Computing is an industry that is always changing. In the last two decades, computing technology has advanced to the point where it is unfathomable to think about a life before this technology existed. In the next two decades, one can only begin to imagine how quickly computing will change and the impact it will have on all of society. The catalysts for these changes will come more quickly than we realize, so it is important to position yourself in a way to stay ahead of the changes to be invaluable in the future.
At the forefront of this change is Generative AI. It is increasingly becoming commonplace in not only daily life, but businesses as well. Utilizing AI increases the ability to increase capital and streamline processes in a corporation, and it also allows an everyday user to make their day-to-day life easier. There are also future implications for the use of Generative AI technology. It has applications in sectors ranging from government, education, and event to climate. Other sections of computing, such as AR/VR, 6G, Quantum Computing, and Neurotechnology, are also becoming more commonplace as research and development are continuing to be funded in those areas. These technologies will continue to innovate the communications between people, how data is processed, and how decisions are made across the world. 
We believe that there will be, overall, a positive impact with the future advancements in computing as long as there are regulations put in place by government entities to restrict the run-away effect that could result if companies had unchecked abilities to innovate and implement. There are always regressive uses for new innovations, no matter what field that may be, so it is important to understand where the future could be based on what has happened with past innovations. 
Inevitably, we will have to pivot to place ourselves in a situation where we are able to understand and use technology. However, we see it necessary to pivot now to stay ahead of the future innovation and become an asset across all industries of the world. 

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