In this scenario for computing, it unfolds from the framing and scoping of quantum computing to the exploration of dynamics, future, and insights. The back casting then guides the path toward responsible and ethical integration, paving the way for a harmonious future where quantum intelligence enhances the well-being of humanity.  
The purpose of “Scenarios in Computing” is that it unfolds from the framing and scoping of quantum computing to the exploration of dynamics, future and insights. The back casting then guides the path toward responsible and ethical integration, paving the way for a harmonious future where quantum intelligence enhances the well-being of humanity. Furthermore, with building a scenario for computing, it serves many crucial purposes, such as strategic planning, innovation and research, policy formulation and risk assessments. By creating AI scenarios for computing and dividing it into different phases, it is a proactive and strategic approach to help shape the future of technology. It allows for stakeholders to navigate the complex landscape of AI development with different foresight, responsibility, and a commitment to positive societal impact.  

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